1918: Family photo of Arthur (left) and siblings: Yetta and Harold
1998: Family photo of Arthur (left) and siblings: Yetta and Harold
1934: Wrestling team at UCLA
1937: UCLA graduation
1938: Arthur Furst portrait
1938: UCLA Florence's graduation
Florence & Arthur engaged
Florence & Arthur on honeymoon
Arthur & Florence with four children: Carolyn, David, adrianne, & Timothy
Arthur on vacation with his two sons, David & Timothy
1977: Don Pickett gives USF Henry Clay Hall Award to Arthur
1978: Folklore Magazine Viltis Who's Who in Folk Dance
1978: Arthur receiving US Department of Labor Member of Advisory Committee award
1986: Article on Arthur in Biological Trace Elements Research, Volume 11
1986: Arthur receiving Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal
1989: Academy of Toxicological Sciences
1989: Bob Brassfield presenting Arthur with NeoLife Lifelong Contribution to the Betterment of Mankind award
SAB meeting in Dr. Arthur Furst Library at NeoLife Headquarters (left to right): Arthur Furst, John Miller, Fred Hooper, & Arianna Carughi
Arthur Furst in a dance class
John Miller and Bob Brassfield present an award to Arthur Furst
Arthur Furst USF Scholarship luncheon: Dr. Furst with John Miller
1992: UCLA Alumni Association Award for Excellence in Professional Achievement
1994: NeoLife Conference at Disney World: Arthur with distributors, celebrating 80th birthday
1994: Arthur at Disney World, celebrating 80th birthday with cake
Florence & Arthur in China
1994: Certificate of Recognition from California Senate for Arthur’s 80th birthday, designated as Arthur Furst, Ph.D. Day
Arthur with some GNLD/NeoLife employees and executives
1995: World Leadership Conference (left to right): David Shepherd, Fred Hooper, Laszlo Somogyi, Gordon Newell, John Miller, Lester Packer, Arianna Carughi, unknown, & Arthur Furst
1996: 82nd birthday celebration with family
2000: Jerry Brassfield, Arthur Furst, & Bob Brassfield at Convention
2001: Arthur with Suzanne C Fitzpatrick receiving Lifetime Contribution Award
2001: USF Magazine Arthur Furst Cover
2002: SAB meeting at NeoLife Headquarters (left to right): Mark Lowman, Laszlo Somogyi, David Shepherd, Lance Elliott, Arianna Carughi, John Miller, Arthur Furst, Gordon Newell, Fred Hooper
Florence & Arthur anniversary celebration
Dr. Arthur Furst conducting research
Convention 2000
Dr. Arthur Furst: Renaissance Man