Dr. Edit Illyés Takácsné, M.D., Member of MOK,
Family & Pediatric Medicine
"Dr. Furst was both a friend and mentor. I remember sitting next to him by the pool at one of our conventions. He had a stack of scientific papers he was reading through on the topic of nitric oxide. He was always looking ahead to the next scientific breakthrough. He attended many of our retreats and always delighted in teaching everyone folk dance."
-Jim McAfee, Th.M, CCN
United States of America
"In the 1980s on our first 'reward' trip to a USA NeoLife event, I thanked Dr Furst for creating Cal-Mag and the other double-amino acid chelated minerals. Arthur then gently asked me a series of 'what, how & why' questions. Twenty minutes later he said, "You really do understand this, don't you. Well done." I realized I had just passed my hardest ever biochemistry exam. He became a friend."
-Dr. Bruce Dewe, M.D., NZRK, MICAK,
Dean - International College of Professional Kinesiology, Kinesiologist
New Zealand
“My fondest memory is his comment on my book: ‘Doctor Joaquín González Aragón has made a singular contribution to our knowledge of the role and function of lipids in nutrition. He presents concrete Information on the needs for some specific lipids and the necessity of avoiding others. All can learn from this book.’ Arthur Furst, Ph.D.,
-Dr. Joaquín González Aragón, M.D., Founder & Director of Mexican Institute of Longevity Studies