Arthur Furst Scholarship Recipients

Name: Jennifer Carroll

Year: 1995

Major: Chemistry

Interests: Genetic testing

What is he/she doing now? Author of publications


Name: Rachel Bahr

Year: 1996

Major: Chemistry

Interests: MRI enhancement

What is he/she doing now?


Name: Raymond Sy

Year: 1997

Major: Biology

Interests: Arsenic detoxification

What is he/she doing now? Human Interface Engineer


Name: Saly Sisouvong

Year: 1998

Major: Biology

Interests: Diet/nervous system connection

What is he/she doing now? Licensed General Internal Medicine Physician


Name: Collin R. Elsea

Year: 1999/2000

Interests: Biomedical research

Major: Biochemistry

What is he/she doing now? Author of publications


Name: Jennifer Sabado

Year: 2001

Major: Biology

Interests: Geological and Earth Sciences/Geosciences

What is he/she doing now? Involved in higher education and assisted in archaeological field excavations


Name: Yuliya Zabiyaka

Year: 2002

Major: Mathematics & Computer Science

Interests: Biosimulations

What is he/she doing now? Software Engineer


Name: Brett Sharp

Year: 2003

Major: Biology

Interests: Medicine, emphasizing research on the physiological effects of alcoholism

What is he/she doing now? Professor of higher education in Spain


Name: Eliot S. Metzger

Year: 2004

Major: Business Administration & Environmental Science

Interests: Evaluate environments suffering from decades of environmental and political neglect

What is he/she doing now? Senior Associate and author of publications in the Think Tank industry


Name: Colleen McShane

Year: 2005

Major: Chemistry

Interests: Electrochemical fabrication and morphological tailoring of semiconductors

What is he/she doing now? R&D Chemist and author of publications


Name: Ryan Pemberton

Year: 2006

Major: Chemistry

Interests: Organic Chemistry

What is he/she doing now? Graduate Student Researcher and author of publications


Name: Mary Gertrude Gutierrez

Year: 2007

Major: Chemistry & Biology

Interests: Computational Chemistry

What is he/she doing now? Ph.D. Graduate student


Name: Miles Braten

Year: 2007

Major: Chemistry

Interests: Charging processes of metal oxide nanoparticles

What is he/she doing now? Author of publications; Chemistry Research Graduate student


Name: Elizabeth L. Noey

Year: 2008

Major: Chemistry

Interests: Organic and organometallic reaction mechanisms

What is he/she doing now? Ph.D. Candidate, author of publications


Name: Jie Sun

Year: 2009

Major: Biology

Interests: Human Cytomeglavirus

What is he/she doing now? Graduate Research Assistant


Name: Natalie Hollick

Year: 2010

Major: Biology

Interests: Teaching and pediatrics

What is he/she doing now? Pre-Doctoral Teaching Fellow in


Name: Benjamin Rayikanti

Year: 2011

Major: Biology

Interests: Enhancement of photosynthesis

What is he/she doing now? Graduate student


Name: Long Yan Yung

Year: 2012

Major: Physics & Mathematics

Interests: Astronomy

What is he/she doing now? Ph.D. Physics student and assistant and author of publications


Name: Jordan Nelson

Year: 2013

Major: Chemistry

Interests: Complex all-carbon cycles known
as annulenes

What is he/she doing now? Author of publications


Name: Zachary Gallegos

Year: 2014

Major: Biology

Interests: Microbiology, develop a more effective way to treat breast cancer

What is he/she doing now? Current USF Biology student


Name: Aisling Sinclair

Year: 2015

Major: Biology

Interests: molecular biology research

What is he/she doing now? Current USF Biology student
